Organized at the premises of Chitkara University (Punjab), the International Conference is the event that will conclude the first act of the PREVENT IT project. Indeed, far from being the last activity of the project, this event will be the beginning of an interconnected network of surveillance on future health challenges in the framework of the One Health approach. The aim is to move from the capacity-building phase to a new phase, where universities, civil society organizations and professional organizations from India and Europe conduct joint research and awareness activities. Hence, this event will see the launch of the nascent Indo-European One Health Association, the future network for antibiotic resistance prevention, with the core aim to exploit the capacity-building actions of the previous four years of PREVENT IT.
With the participation of different international experts from different backgrounds, Prevent It International Conference will be the perfect experience to be actively involved in the breakthroughs in the field of the One Health global scenario. The event will be a unique occasion to understand the last trends in Antibiotic Resistance risk management all over India and Europe.
The International Conference has the following objectives:
- To provide a forum where faculties and doctoral students can present their ongoing research work, meet other faculties and researchers, and obtain feedback on future research directions.
- To provide a common platform to share and exchange the scientific information having benefits at large to the society through One Health approach
- To sensitize and support the young minds with updated trends in research field of One Health and Antibiotic resistance.
- To enhance the soft skills of the participants through oral presentation in front of panel of experts in their respective fields.
- The International Conference registration is completely free of cost.
- International speakers from all over India and Europe.
- Chance to present your research and get valuable feedback
- Free Certification for the participants.
- Best paper award per track.
- Publication in Scopus Indexed Journal.
- Any student, doctoral research scholar or faculty who is associated with recognized universities/organizations/Institutions in India or abroad.
- The participants are encouraged to join in as active listeners. Such participants shall be given a certificate of participation.
- For registration and/or abstract submission, please Click here
- Please note: Only the presenting author has to submit the abstract.
- Last date of registration to attend the conference: (closed)
- Last date of abstract submission (closed)
- Last date of abstract acceptance (closed)
- Last date for submission of full-length paper: (closed)